So if you do try it and if it works or don't work do drop a comment.
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For those most part, our daily meal consist of many sugars, or glucose that shoots straight into our bloodstream, and our pancreas would produce the insulin to get rid of the glucose quickly because it overshoots the normal working level. We need the glucose for energy and if it falls to low we will become hypo, which would result in lack of energy or worst. And if it is too high, our pancreas and kidney would become overworked from trying to remove the excess glucose.
The trick is to go for complex carbohydrate so that we won't get the sugar rush as it takes longer for the complex carbohydrates to breakdown in the digestive system to be absorb by the body while at the same time avoid the craving for food from sugar crash in the body system.
According to my doctor, diabetes is a lifestyle disease and to control it we need to watch what we eat and when we eat. Perhaps smaller meal at more frequent intervals to avoid the sugar rush and sugar crash situation.
Anyway, for those who reached the stage of becoming diabetic, see if this Chicken Lime Recipe will cure or it could just be another one of those urban legend myth circulating around the internet.

LIME 是青擰檬
My diabetes cured using this traditional recipe
Then I was 55 years old, one day suddenly I felt constant thirst and had the urge to drink more water, I also felt constant hunger even just after taking a meal, my legs often cramp and had severe cold sweat I went for a check up and the doctor diagnosed Diabetes, sometimes it reached 250 and it worried me so much. Doctor prescribed some medication and I was on medication for 2.5 years.
My brother who was staying in Malaysia was very concerned, he was a successful businessman. I went to visit my brother and sister when I was 57 yrs old and my brother told me he was given a traditional treatment recipe for diabetes which was claimed to be very effective. As a Hokkienese who suffered Diabetes for 25 years, previously his had complication and was unable to walk, but now he was cured.
Here's the Recipe :
Steam 4 limes (green lime) together with 1 chicken without head and tail), cut limes into half, add some salts and water level just to cover the chicken. I was given this 4 times during my stay in Malaysia .
The taste was not very good but i still took it in hope of curing the disease. I took me 1 week to finish a chicken (1 recipe), sometimes i drank it as a soup or for supper.
After 2 months I returned to Taiwan and had a medical check up again, the doctor advised me to stop my Diabetes medication as the blood sugar plunged to below the standard count. He couldn't believe it when I told him what I took. From then on I did constant blood check and it was normal. So for prevention, sometimes I still had it once in a while. Lime was not available in Taiwan at that time and my brother sent them to me from Malaysia .
I am now 71 years old, and there's no recurrence. During this time I have been staying in Canada , the USA and I have been healthy diet and the chicken lime recipe once in a while which saves my life.
As the ingredients are all natural, there's no harm at all to have a try and please spread this to your friends or whoever needs it.
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Please do your own further research whether the above actually works or doesn't.
Hey, thank you for this post. to find out how long to boil the chicken and lime for. This will indeed help a lot of diabetics.
am diabetic now for 3 years and have had all types of commercial drugs without cure.
kindly give more details on chicken lime
This was something that was circulating through my mailbox. I just repost them here for anybody would may want to try it. However, DO NOT take the message as it is. You still need to do further research whether it is truly as it says, as this information is presented as is when I received it. Use it at your own risk.
Agreed more research is in order. This sounds to simple to be true but hey why not give it a try. It might be the basis for the next white bean chicken chili if nothing else.
It sounds like the three keys here are acid, salt, and vitamin A stock with a high protein count.
I wonder if bone in chicken breasts can be used instead of the whole chicken. I will try both and see if there are any appreciable results.
Good article. I just repost them here Traditional Cure (green lime chicken soup) for Diabetes for anyone would may want to try it. With regard to another similar article see here:
I actually tried this recipe about 5 years ago. It worked for me. I got cure d. My doctor was really stunned and dumbstruck. I was determined that I wasn't going let diabetes get the best of me when first diagnosed. I started enjoying my life free from diabetes. Took it for granted. I haven't been on medication the last 5 years. Been healthy being able to eat whatever my heart desired without any complications. Well believe me, I'm came back looking for that same recipe. I thank God it's still there. For the last 3 months I been eating all kinds of everything. My bg went up to 560 in last 2 weeks. I'm down to bg 156, Right away I went into a vegetable diet. I lost 22 lbs. Starting the chicken/lime recipe again today! True believer. This stuff works.
I actually tried this recipe about 5 years ago. It worked for me. I got cure d. My doctor was really stunned and dumbstruck. I was determined that I wasn't going let diabetes get the best of me when first diagnosed. I started enjoying my life free from diabetes. Took it for granted. I haven't been on medication the last 5 years. Been healthy being able to eat whatever my heart desired without any complications. Well believe me, I'm came back looking for that same recipe. I thank God it's still there. For the last 3 months I been eating all kinds of everything. My bg went up to 560 in last 2 weeks. I'm down to bg 156, Right away I went into a vegetable diet. I lost 22 lbs. Starting the chicken/lime recipe again today! True believer. This stuff works.
May I know which type of lime to be used, the small or big limes?
I discovered this is an educational and intriguing post so i suspect as much it is extremely helpful and proficient. I might want to thank you for the endeavors you have made in composing this article. Diabetes Cure
Shall try it out & update you guys on the outcome.
I 'm going to try it as soon as i buy the chicken. Hope to give good news - that ir worked.
Got the chicken Preparing the soup now! Hoping it truly is the cure
I have heard of it years back. Will ask my husband to try. Thks all
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