Jan Leow's Blog Page

What To Do With Old Computers and Laptops

So you got your hands on some old computers and laptops. Depending how old it is, you could either consign it to the recyclers, especially if it is way too old, or try to revive it for some other purpose. Previously I usually got rid of them when I obtained a new PC. However these old computers and laptops could still run and they may yet be of good use. And that’s what I did.

Which Rare Champions to keep in RAID Shadow Legends?

As the game progresses, you will start to amass quite a fair number of RAID Shadow Legends. Soon you will find yourself running out of slots to keep your champions. To free up the slots you will need to weed out which champions are worth keeping, and which to use as fodder to level up more useful champions.

This question came to my mind and I am sure to many players as well. Judging from the comments from various forums. There weren’t any hard and fast rules. There were some sites even listing a hefty large number of champions too! That won’t do. Not enough slots to spare!

RAID Shadow Legend rare champions strip