Jan Leow's Blog Page

Computer Heatsink stuck to CPU

While trying to fiddle with my old Intel D915GEV motherboard, I encountered a problem. It won’t boot! No boot up post screen. This PC is really old; I got it around 2005. With a Pentium 4 CPU, it is still an interesting piece of old hardware. However the CPU did run very hot. The fan & heatsink that came with it wasn’t really fitting, and I had changed it to a proper version. However the replaced heatsink was smaller and fan top speed was slower than the wrong fit version.

A black screen, no post boot up could mean several things. Some possibilities were: the motherboard was dead, there was not enough power from the PSU (Power Supply Unit). However this unit was very old and some parts could be somewhat rusted. I pressed the CPU and RAM and removed some unneeded peripherals, and voila! It booted! So it is still alive!

Pentium CPU stuck to heatsink

How to Build A Strong Overall Champion in RAID Shadow Legends

I have been whacking RAID Shadow Legends for quite some time now and sort of have an understanding on how to build a strong champion. It feels great to be able to whack some bosses, get to an advanced faction wars stages and win some arena PVPs. Although my builds are not perfect, it did get me by.

Building a good champion is not easy. The number one most needed resource are Silver coins! I could never get enough of it and kept running short. You would need a hefty, and I mean really hefty amount of Silver Coins to push those artifacts and accessories to the max of level 16!

What To Do With Old Computers and Laptops

So you got your hands on some old computers and laptops. Depending how old it is, you could either consign it to the recyclers, especially if it is way too old, or try to revive it for some other purpose. Previously I usually got rid of them when I obtained a new PC. However these old computers and laptops could still run and they may yet be of good use. And that’s what I did.

Which Rare Champions to keep in RAID Shadow Legends?

As the game progresses, you will start to amass quite a fair number of RAID Shadow Legends. Soon you will find yourself running out of slots to keep your champions. To free up the slots you will need to weed out which champions are worth keeping, and which to use as fodder to level up more useful champions.

This question came to my mind and I am sure to many players as well. Judging from the comments from various forums. There weren’t any hard and fast rules. There were some sites even listing a hefty large number of champions too! That won’t do. Not enough slots to spare!

RAID Shadow Legend rare champions strip

RAID Shadow Legend Spider’s Den Stage 20 Cleared Finally! ★

Amongst the Dungeons in RAID Shadow Legends, the Spider’s Den is one of the most difficult dungeons to get through. And today I finally cleared stage 20! Perhaps it is nothing to shout about, considering there are so many strong and powerful players out there.I considered it a personal milestone to clear it.

RAID Shadow Legends Spider's Den

My RAID Shadow Legends Video Recap

It's been quite a long slog playing RAID Shadow Legends. With the anniversary, Plarium made a video recapping my ardous adventure playing their game. I was rather surprised that I am amongst the nearly at the 80% top players.

RAID Shadow Legend Video Recap

RAID Shadow Legend Mastery: Warmaster vs Giant Slayer

I have been trying to figure out which RAID Shadow Legends final mastery was better, between the Warmaster vs Giant Slayer and to a lesser extent, Flawless Execution. Trying to get the best bang out of the damage inflicted against the opponent from this final mastery requires a bit of calculation. Most players and guides would go for Warmaster, though sometimes they would go for Giant Slayer as well. So which one is the better bet?