Jan Leow's Blog Page

Showing posts with label blogs about life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs about life. Show all posts

And so it is

And so it is,
sleep beckons and the morrow,
work awaits.

No end to the grind,
for the earth does not yield its harvest willingly

Toil it shall be
wither pleasure be
for the rewards that trickles in

Pray then that fortune comes
but heaven remains silent
for what are we
but mere gnats on the earth

It was once said either you love Thee or mammon
but without the flow of coins
Insolvency ensues

Thus what are we to do?
Seek ye first the kingdom of God,
And all things will be added on to you?

Then why is it not ocurring
That toil cannot bring forth the fortune
For the smooth flow of liquidity?

Why quote Malachi
when it is followed
and yet holes are still found?

So where is the abundance
promised but unseen
for I grow weary of uninspiring toil

To wonder why blessings withheld
For my toil ends up on undeserving charity
Such is my bane that boon eludes me

Enough of sorrows
For tomorrow awaits
For hope and faith be the key to unlocking the floodgates

Bread shop don't know how to do business

Sometime you wonder how this people can survive. This morning I didn't have my usual breakfast as the night I was so busy didn't get a chance to buy bread. I thought I could pop over at King's confectionary near my office to get some breaky.

Hard luck. The moment I stepped in I saw their bread shelf was empty. I recall my many previous attempts to get last minute breakfast was thwarted by people in this branch who is not keen to cater for the morning office people going to work who is looking for a quick breakfast.

Indonesian Massage

My wife found an Indonesian massage. This lady is good and very affordable and was recommended by friend. After my wife delivered she needed to get back into shape and the use of massage to get her tummy flat was one of the methods.

Since the Indonesian massage was already here may as well employ her services for some massage for me too. I liked this style over that of Thai massage becausethe traditional Indonesian massage goes for ligaments and lymph. Breaking up the crystal blockages of the lymph nodes and ligaments may be very painful however it is most effective. it's something like the chi version of the massage but less severe.

By clearing the blockages your blood will flow better contributing to a faster recovery to your ailment.

In fact whenever she feels lumps (which you would feel it too) whenever she presses on certain parts of to your body she knows you have a certain problem affected by your job or daily routine.

Those lumps are considered blockages in your body and further session will reduce the lumps and that would result in your recovery.

Sure, now my body and my legs are aching from the Indonesian massage session but it feels good because she has cleared the blockages. Good massage are like that. Lousy massage cause your more pain and soreness because they injured your body but a good massage although your body is aching you are actually recovering from your ailment.

That's why I like this Indonesian massage

SM Confucian Alumni 104th Anniversary

The 104th Anniversary SM Confucian alumni dinner was a good way to catch up with old friends. Though my memory was a rather fuzzy as some I could recognize their faces but couldn't recall their names. Year of 1986 was some 24 years ago. Faces still looked the same except of course body shape might change, basically still can recognize their faces. Still it was good to meet up again. I guess that's our little legacy. For we leave behind memories of years past and forge ahead into the future.

Running around trying to get it done

Busy! That's how it goes. Time passes quickly when you have many things to do. All have to be done, no point procrastinating about it. The problem is to find the time to squeeze in the job to be done. I could try to prioritize and make list; done that before but don't quite work as it should. At least it gives a sense of direction on what needs to be done.

Hopefully all this running around will end up productive and get that end result which is a done deal and get some income out from it. With the inflation going up and the government taking away the subsidy, the man in the street is going face tougher challenges ahead to put food on the table.

Work permit for maid from vietnam

When it comes to government matters sometimes the job is best done by an agent who knows their way around bureacracy. The agent that we employed was rather eccentric but does get the job done. We wanted a maid to help out in the daily household chores and taking care of baby. Then there is the need to send baby over to USJ house for my mom-in-law to look after the child. My felt her mom needed a helper so we found a potential candidate maid from Vietnam. The maid's sister was already here working for my wife's friend household. Seems like the maid sister needed a job and we have a vacancy to fill. But the process of work permit application has been a long and winding road. Hopefully with the help of our eccentric agent man we should have our work permit in order to her in and get started as soon as possible. My wife fiery character to get things done asap is not one who could really stand the agent man rather soft approach. Haha, I do meet a lot interesting colourful people
along the way in life some good and some less but this is life, eh?

Weekly family dinner

It is good to have this weekly family dinner to have this family closeness. If one were to follow the empty nest syndrome then all family relation would be lost. Even though parents and sons / daughter may not be living together (for good reasons too like avoiding the usual parental nags) a weekly family gathering is good for fostering good family ties.

Seniors need something to look forward apart from having a grand child you know the usual "when you will have a children to pass on the mantle" thingy.

so a weekly family gathering is something good to look forward.

Assembling the baby cot

Assembling the baby cot is sure ain't easy. Dismantling it was quite a jiffy. But putting it back together single handedly is really tedious.

My brother-in-law has no more need of the baby cot and we could use a hand me down to save some money. At about RM600 is not cheap! Sure it is a bit worn but it saves so no need to complain about it. Baby will outgrow it soon enough and you will wondering what to with it when you don't need it.

For now I need to wrestle with parts and they are coorperating. Don't have any help as the missus is at the in-laws house. But when she comes back with the baby we going to need it. So have assemble it and get the baby cot ready for precious baby.

Heavy Rain! Stucked in office

Must be the tropical monsoon. Well I'm stucked in office. Can't get to my car unless I want to be wet. With this kind of tropical thunderstorm even with an umbrella, you will still get wet!

No choice but to wait it out. Such heavy thunderstorm will blow itself out in an hour or so. Just have to sit tight and look for something to do while waiting it out.

What to eat

What to eat... What to eat? Sometime when you are on your own you may end up at a loss on just what to have for a meal. My wife is still my in-laws house for her maternity and it is quite a distance to travel over. I wasn't sure if they prepared anything for me so might be better if I go find my own dinner. Oh well, will just settle for a plate of fried rice with egg.

Black Apricot

Black Apricot
Decided to get some fruits after dinner. Got this delicious black apricot fruit. Doesn't look like black apricot to me but that's what the sign said at the fruit stall next to Jaya Grocer in Jaya 33. Looks more like plum. Not cheap too going for RM7.50 each!

Took it back, chilled it and after peeling it, ate it. Tasted ok, not too sweet, not too sour. Value for money? Not really. Just giving it a try. Many of the imported fruits are really expensive here in Malaysia.

Black Apricot

After free McD time for car wash

Car Wash in Bandar Utama

Not bad, not bad. McDonald gave a free Fish-O-Fillet set. I just top up with applepie for a dessert to complete my lunch pack. So that's my lunch meal for the day.

While having my munch may as well queue up for a car wash. Weekends is not my preferred date for a car wash as the queue was rather long. But I needed to have my lunch so may well go for it!

I haven't washed my car for more than a month, been that busy! And not only was it dusty, it recently acquired some bird droppings too!

So may as well now than who knows when! Since I got some grub I can munch some and blog a bit in between. Haha, my car interior got a fair bit of food crumbs from rush hour breakfast in the car and now McDonalds too! Yep, time to clean the car!

McDonald Drive Through free burger

McDonalds in Bandar Utama

Having done a little job now time for some grub. Guess what McDonald is having somekind of drive through promotion. Some free burger. We'll since I haven't got lunch yet and was thinking what to eat may as well give this a try.

Full Moon Baby Shower

Baby Aiden is fast approaching a month old. Hence the full moon baby shower celebration done by us Chinese.

Aiden is growing well. A little chubby on the cheeks. Must all the goodness of mother's milk. He kinda active little fella when he's awake. He will look here, look there, crane his neck to see I don't know what is it that spook his curiosity.

That's a good sign of healthy growing baby. A baby that is making so much movement or even making noise is always a relief for us parents. I remember a pastor once said restless children though disturbs the peace is much better then if they are quiet which would make you worry as that is a sign they are not well.

so come this weekend is happy full moon day and a little baby shower for baby Aiden!

What Makes A Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea.

The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight.

The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need.

Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad.

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Today at church we are celebrating father's day and the children church gave a nice Father's day presentation.

And of course we have the Father who is in heaven who look out to us.

Father's day celebration first started in June 1910 in honour of fathers though mother's day had been celebrated for a longer time. It became very and spread throughout the world

Happy Father's Day!

Lots of things to do today

It's good to take the day off. Yesterdays short run 7km race has left me with very sore muscles. So I can take it easy for a short while anyway and wake up late for a bit of rest.

Baby and mom is doing fine and today tried my hand at changing diaper. It was a good change and there was a few points to note when changing diaper. Should be able to do it correctly after a few more tries.

Decided to get back my blood test report from BP Lab which I took several weeks ago. Everything was basically alright except for higher LDL, but the HDL / LDL ratio makes it still ok. Bone density was at borderline so must cut back on my coffee intake. And strangely they detected possible gastric bacteria. Hmmm this is strange. May need further check on this or just go straight for medical treatment. And finally my liver show some unusual result. Could be an inflammation or fatty liver. Since BP Lab found they still owe me a scan I decided to do it today about 4pm and get it done with the test.

so while in between, I brought my dad-in-law for his dentures fitting. He will need a proper denture for eating. All this while I wonder how he eats with his current imbalance denture. it seems this dental clinic in USJ is cheap and good. So it is going to be a long wait in clicnic before it will be our turn and the aircon here isn't efficiently cool for such a hot weather.

Looks like I have to leave him behind while I go for the scan and retun later to pick him up.

All done and well done!

Made it! 55 minutes for 7km. Didn't hit the qualifying time of 50 minutes for my category but finished the race nevertheless. Well done!

MPSJ Carnival Run

All ready for the run! Hope to finish within my qualifying time! And I don't even know the timing required! Haha

Why Israel stormed the flotilla

Here is some intriguing info about why why Israel stormed the flotilla. As I suspected there must be a reason why Israel did what they did, just like why they invaded Gaza because the Hamas kept firing 20,000 rocket launchers into Israel. So here is the other side of the story that the media has kept it away from us. That's propaganda to you to paint Israel as the ugly enemy when in fact the real enemy is using the media to fight against Israel. Just like in WWII where the Brits and Germans used propaganda to either boost the morale of their own people while playing down on their enemy.

Shalom from Israel

Dugit Messiaic Outreach Centre and Adonai Roi (The Lord is My Shepherd) Congregation, Tel Aviv

Dear friend,

Following the incredible amount of negative press Israel has received in the world media, we felt compelled to write something to you from our hearts as we see events unfold from this side of the world. If you love and support Israel, we understand that you may be feeling confused by the accusations against Israel and wondering if there is some truth to the horrific stories. Did Israel really initiate unprovoked violence against a peaceful attempt to take humanitarian aid to Gaza? The world media were quick to send this headline around the globe but it was far from the truth!

There is a legal, legitimate maritime blockade in effect off the coast of Gaza. It was imposed with the agreement of Egypt when the Hamas terrorist regime took over Gaza. The Hamas regime has repeatedly bombed civilian targets in Israel with weapons that have been smuggled into Gaza via the sea.

"If ships were allowed to sail to Gaza without inspection, as flotilla organizers have demanded, nothing
could stop Iran from sending high-level weapons to Hamas in Gaza" said Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel.

From the beginning of this situation the 'peace' activists have stated their intention was to storm the blockade. Thousands of tones of humanitarian aid is transported from Israel to Gaza by road every week through legitimate relief organizations like the UN and the Red Cross. Israel offered to transport the aid brought by these boats via the usual over-land routes once it had been inspected for weapons. The organizers refused to follow the legal path and intended to force Israel's hand by ignoring all warnings from Israel not to breach the maritime blockage.

After repeated warnings were verbally rejected over the radio by the ships captains, the Israeli Navy boarded the ships in order to re-direct them to an Israeli port in order to inspect the cargo and then transport it on to Gaza.

The Navy was unprepared for the level of violence they experienced on the lead Turkish ship, the 'Mavi Marmara'. "We prepared for an operation involving light resistance," said one navy officer, "We did not expect that the soldiers would be met by a mob armed with bats, knives and metal pipes." The soldiers were armed with paintball guns to minimize harm. Another officer said "We thought there would be verbal and passive violence, but not to the level we encountered. Everyone who came towards us wanted to kill us. We encountered terrorists who wanted us dead, and we used all the means at our disposal so that those who shouldn't get hurt would not."

The truth is that this was a politically motivated attack disguised as a humanitarian initiative by those who want to bring harm on Israel: Either through violence or through media propaganda.

A Personal response from Chaya

A letter from my heart;

When the Navy commandos repelled onto the ship from the helicopters, the terrorists on the Marmara were divided into groups and were organized and ready to attack. The Israeli authorities were taken by surprise at the violence of this attack. The soldiers were not prepared for a vicious mob.

Our Israeli soldiers were very restrained and careful, equipped with paintball guns to minimize harm. They were only given permission to fire their personal side-arms once the situation was out of hand and their very lives were in danger. Their aim was to disperse the rioters not to take lives.

One young Navy seal now has brain damage from being beaten so badly when he boarded the ship; another was thrown 3 stories to the deck below and then stabbed in the stomach. Another was hurled from the deck into the sea; others had serious injuries from being attacked. These were well trained navy seals - the attackers where not innocent civilians, they knew how to attack soldiers.

This was not a humanitarian mission - the motive was always political with violent intentions; they even refused to deliver a package to Gilad Shalit, from his parents. (Shalit is a 24 year old Israeli soldier who was kidnapped on the Gaza border 4 years ago by Hamas. Until today Hamas has refused to allow the Red Cross to visit him.)

The terrorists that were killed were carrying thousands of dollars in cash and had no Passports or I.D. It is suspected that they are connected to Global jihad affiliated organizations. Known Islamic extremists were identified as passengers on the ship. The intent of this ship was not to bring humanitarian supplies to the people in Gaza. (The organizers had been told by the Israeli authorities that the supplies would be delivered to Gaza once they had been checked for any illegal weapons.)
The intent was to stir up political pressure disguised as a humanitarian aid project to the people of Gaza. Thousands of tons of food and supplies are already being transported into Gaza through Israel every week.

The U.N. condemned Israel. The world showed their disapproval. People may say: we don't hate the Jews but we do not like Israel or her policies. I say to you that is deep rooted anti-Semitism.

Israel is a nation in shock after hearing all the lies that are being spoken against her all over the world. It is interesting that no one condemns the terrorists, who knew that Israel could not allow them to sail to Gaza because of the blockade and therefore came prepared to attack any Israeli who would stop them from doing so.

Today I am wearing a Navy Seals T-Shirt in honor of our brave soldiers, who were doing their jobs, boarding a ship that was challenging Israel's sovereign right to protect her borders.

Where does our help come from? Israel's help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth and our Messiah Yeshua!

Please pray for us - the nation of Israel needs your prayers. Pray for protection against all who would come against her and for her people scattered all around the world.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

In our Messiah,

Chaya Mizrachi