Jan Leow's Blog Page

Phew hot day! Makes me kinda tired!

The hot weather has returned! I have been running around all day and with the hot weather, sure made me rather tired while running errands.

Now that mom-in-law is back, I guess she would be taken aback at the situation that was recently unfold. Only thing left is to wait for the healing process for her hubby to pull through and for her son's treatment of Still's disease. I should think my brother-in-law would recover much faster given sufficient rest.

Only my dad-in-law's head trauma will take some time. He can respond now, and the neuro-docs believe the hemorrhage has stopped judging by observation.

Since my wife has started work to rush for a proposal, I now have to rush to USJ to pick up baby so that my mom-in-law can go to University Hospital.

All this rushing about on such a hot weather too!

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