Your old PC is lagging so much trying to run Windows 10? Depending on your computer specification, you may yet be able to revive it enough to keep it going. So far I have successfully upgraded a few old desktop computers. There was no need to throw it away and buy a new PC. Everything is running smoothly, and I could stream online movies and play some games on it too!
Summoning Legendaries Paramount Strategies Scheme RAID Shadow Legend
It’s tough to get legendaries in RAID Shadow Legends, let alone trying to get that most coveted powerful Champion. I came up with some paramount strategies scheme to give a chance against the low probability and hopefully the law of averages would chance upon you. However it is still as tough as ever. There are times when the odds are just against you! All I could get were the Rares, and not even an Epic! It feels like the system has scam you!
RAID Shadow Legends Gacha Grinding
Why am I still grinding through this RAID Shadow Legends game! Ouch! Since my last blog, I managed to gacha some Legendaries. Even got a double legendary from the double legendary summon event! That was a first for me. Unfortunately, they gave one good and one bad legendary. Sigh. The initial excitement of seeing the golden swirl during the summoning process became somewhat of a letdown.