Jan Leow's Blog Page

Day of bundle of joy

It was such a wonderful day. Anticipation and excitement on the arrival of baby has come. It has been a long wait, with the final anxious week wondering when exactly the due date would come. In fact the doctor suggested to induce the arrival of baby for fear that the placenta was way past due. Placenta that are "ripe" would mean less nutrients to the baby thus the suggestion.

But it was with much fervont prayer that natural birth process proceeded. In fact when the contraction started my wife wasn't sure it was an actual contraction and bore with the labour pains starting from 1am that early morning when I have just completed doing the laundry. I was a little tired, but had only fitful sleep as my wife was trying to determine whether it was an actual contraction.

Eventually by 5am she was rather sure, and we got ready to go to the hospital.

By 6.30am the midwife checked and there was dilation of 4cm. So it was finally coming! And time to admit her in. She was wheeled into the delivery room while I went to ground floor for registration. It took awhile to get it done so by the time I went to the delivery room the dilation has reach 8cm. My wife opted for epidural as she couldn't stand the pain anymore. Although it was considered a little late for such a procedure it still did its effect of numbing the pain. I guess the anesthesist was very good in his dosage estimation. I heard one instance where it was given too much until the mother do not have feeling at all and was not able deliver until it wore off. And took several hours! My wife case, the dosage was just right, enough to numb off the pain and yet still have some dull feeling.

By 7.30am the dilation was 8cm and by 7.50am it was at full dilation of 10cm and it was time to deliver. The gynae has just arrived for initial check. Then the midwife took over for the natural birth procedure. Try as my wife might, somehow she couldn't push properly. The midwife has to teach on the spot the technique of delivery to push from a certain set of muscles and push during the contraction. Somehow with the use of epidural there is always the chance of not doing it right because of lesser feelings.

So in the end, doctor has to step in and switch to using suction method of delivery. A slight incision had to made too to widen the opening for baby to come out. The doctor had to tug a bit to pull the baby out while my wife pushed on one of the contraction. Finally the baby head pop out and it was all over!

Baby came out with a cry as the nurses drain away the fluid necessary for breathing. Soon the cord was snipped off and baby was placed on mother for initial bonding before taken away for cleaning, while the doctor cleared away the rest of the placenta.

And of course I am now the proud father of a new born baby son and starting texting to get the word out on the good news! Such a biological marvel and how wonderful God in his creation! And of course the advances of technology meant I could tell not just my friends and family of the wonderful event, but the whole world too!

So happy birthday my dear child and welcome to the brave new world!

It's a boy!

Well we already know that. It is a healthy baby boy of 2.43 kg. A bit below average nevertheless a healthy baby boy. Has a nice smile and likes to blow bubbles! Awww he is so cute!

Mother is feeling a little hungry but otherwise alright. It was a fast delivery. Took about 20 minutes. Quite fast too.

Baby coming soon

The awaited day is now arriving. It has been a long 9 months wait but well worth it. Bundle of joy, coming into this brave new world. May God have favour upon baby. Mother is prep and now just awaiting the time when cervix dilate to its full proper size for actual delivery. Already hooked onto the CDG and the baby heartbeat is going pretty fast. The epidural is having its effect and mother is now able to withstand the labour pains. Just a little more longer for the full dilation as we wait for baby to come round. hacking attempt is trying to hack into my Wordpress website. Well whoever it is, ain't getting in! I seem to be getting lots of these hacks lately. What do they hope to get from hacking in? Besides my website is not a very high ranking, heavily trafficked website. This abuser seems to be hacking a lot of site based on a quick search on that IP address. Also noted in a blacklist site, this IP was sending spam, phishing emails and virus emails. There is no website hosted on this IP, so may as well blacklist this IP

Streamyx is slow again!

Again the Streamyx service is getting slow and laggy again. Does this ever end? How can Malaysia become an informational hub if even the basic network infrastructure is in such a shamble? I guess the school holidays is near and many people must be scrambling to do some research on where to go for their cuti-cuti vacation getaway travel destination. But why TM / Streamyx didn't take into account of the heavier bandwidth load during this period? So they felt they are more secure ever since P1 WIMAX had a bit of a tangle about their "potong wayar" promotion and also insufficient coverage on certain geographic location. During that time Streamyx service did improve and that sort of stop me from defecting over to P1 WIMAX. But now Streamyx is up to no good with their laggy slow internet connection yet again!

How's your walk with God?

So how is your walk with God? Good question. Just attending church and reading the Bible does not answer this question. You need to get personal with Him.

Discover God and get to know Him personally

[update 28/8/2013]
Saw this post and decided to add additional points to it. Must have made this quick post during one of the Church sermons.

Our walk with God is not a straight path. More like wave, somedays we feel good, other days we wonder just where do we stand in relation with God. Our prayers seemed to head nowhere, and yet it has been said, we can't just tell God what to do as that would mean we are the boss! God is the King and He is fully in charge. Our prayers are just petition. Is like the parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18). We need to be persistent with our prayers to bring about change to the evils around us, including ourselves too!

A pastor came some time ago with a strong discerning spirit. Apparently my wife and I need to immerse ourselves to study the Word of God more to fully get know God more. What with all the hectic schedule, one must find time to set aside, even if a short time, to learn a little and keep it in your heart, apply it as best as you can when the situation arises.

Many of the doctrines are very difficult to live accordingly. The bar was raised very high and it is easy to stumble. The door is indeed narrow (Luke 13:22) and many will not get through it. Sometimes I wonder where I stand and whether my faith is sufficient to get me through despite having shallow knowledge of the Bible. Though I take heart that some speakers did give encouragement and discern my worry on this very question!

I know of several church goers including my Pastor who could read through the entire Bible in one year! For me, I'm still struggling to even finish just the New Testament in one year plan. I think I would need a new approach to this procrastination.

Procrastination is certainly an obstacle to knowing God better! An enemy that many of us have to overcome. Not just for reading the Bible but so too in many aspect of our daily living. Putting off to another day for home repairs, work, and various other need-to-do stuffs!

Anyway, more things are needed to do, and more things get piled up every day and we will need to overcome them all, and hopefully with the help God and any Helpers that He sent along.

Fixed my index page

Since I have done up the template for my wordpress and blogger it was time to fix my website index page. My website is not the usual pure CMS based design. When I first started out I was going at it page by page using a website building software and uploading the html file one by one. It was a slow tedious process till I found out about CMS software. I was still a newbie then and I experimented with several CMS software like Joomla, Drupal, Xoop, etc till I happen on to Wordpress.

But I still wasn't sure which CMS software to use thus I still had a stand alone index page. Initially all my various sections looked different but I wanted the same look and feel across board. Not easy to do and it was a learning experience. I have to learn new codes and such but I enjoyed it. Although I can't say I fully understand most of it but I do know enough to cobble the programming codes together.

So there you have it. My newly revised index page for my personal homepages website. It is simple and clean. Basic but nice and does its job.