December is well into half month, another half month it will be year 2018. I just started playing War Robots in October this year. Already learning the in and outs of the game, more or less. I do know there are many hardcore players out there. Suping up their robots and weaponry & equipment so much that it so difficult to destroy their robots. Sometimes I need to use 3 robots to defeat one of them! It is times like this I rather run away and look for another softer target.
Anyway, the War Robots Event is a good chance to obtain items and robots quickly without having to go through the long tedious wait for amassing gold and workshop points. However don’t think this would be an easy task. The War Robot event task list shows the difficulty to obtain some of these coveted robots and weaponry. Having played my first event games during their Halloween event, I didn’t had a clue on what were the next item on their task list and the task required out of each step.