Jan Leow's Blog Page

Time is free but it is priceless

'Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.' - Harvey MacKay


Bad traffic in LDP

Somedaays morning rush hour is just so bad. This was caused by the usual vehicle breakdown and today I suffered from it again. This time at the overhead pass at the TTDI Damansara BU intersection. Wasted so much of my driving time that I was late by a minute to the office. Maybe you would say it was just a minute late only ma. Unfortunately the boss is very picky about punctuality and even a minute late he would reprimand. For some companies especially factories a minute is an issue because they are paid by strict time. For sales and management there is no strict time and extra time put in are usually not acknowledge but when you are a minute late they question you. Seems unfair but the fairness and unfairness are the result of people enforcing to the rule. Live with it or die with it. That's all.

Sales call done

Some customers can be very talkative but the off topics were quite engaging too. It was easy overstay perhaps of the various other topics that was discussed seems to be useful info. Apart from the nonwoven fabric material discussed for the moisture absorbing packs we also talked about travels and website creation. It is good to know about general knowledge and able to share your ideas. To promote a product you need to know as much as you can about it. Then the customer will know you are an expert in your field. "Drink deep or taste not the Priarian spring", ah as what Alexander Pope said about knowledge. Know it well and be a guru in your field then you are regarded as the top in your field if not the best.

Blogger layout finally working!

Finally managed to get the Blogger layout to work! This was really tough as it uses very strict XHTML convention. Any XML tags that were not closed will elicit a cryptic error message.

I had place in the XML code section by section to find out the errors and fix them. XHTML is very unforgiving unlike HTML.

My blogger template still have some minor layout issues which I can't figure out. But otherwise the overall look and feel is generally ok.

I will leave it alone for now and have a mini celebration for a working blogger layout template!

So near yet so far

This is one instance on the so near yet so far situation. The weather in Malaysia lately has been pretty wet. Perhaps the May-July monsoon season is going now. Can't always be sure whether the rain is due to monsoon or just the normal convection rain.

so now I can see my car but like proverbial cat that don't like to be wet, I can't reach it without getting soaked. And the day is winding down and there's likely to be a bad traffic jam after a downpour. The longer I wait the worse the rush hour will be. Thems the break. Just have to bear with it.

Google buzz and other social timelines

Ryan commented that my google buzz has multiples ofthe same post but slightly different form. My guess is that it is pulling the status post and blogs from various output and feeds from my other website apps and rss feeds. Since my contacts aren't into google buzz I guess I don't have to care much about sorting it. My main concern is more on my main social websites like facebook where I need to avoid double posting. As for twitter, well frankly with its short microblogs it shouldn't be too much of an issue for double post, but I try to keep it to a minimum.

Planning to change my blogger template

Still deciding on the blogger template design. I have two option. take one free css template and try to understand how to insert blogger template tags code and at least make my overall website have the same look and feel or decide to have multiple website template theme for each section. Hmmm...